Please note that membership payments are not refundable.

Members of Resurgence receive

  • Six issues of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine a year for the duration of the membership.
  • Access to monthly online meditations live with Satish Kumar or occassional guest teachers, bringing you presence, connection and inspiration, plus online access to recordings of all previous meditations.
  • Access to an annual online event for members that weaves together inspiring talks and guided meditation, along with lively discussion with other members.
  • Online and/or app access to 50+ years of timeless, thought-leading Resurgence & Ecologist articles.
  • Updates on the Trust's celebrated events programme which shares ideas that create change.

Your membership will support the work of The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity working for the wellbeing of the Earth and its inhabitants through the publication of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, The Ecologist website, and an inspiring programme of events both online and in person.

(If you are purchasing a gift membership with free gift cards, please indicate whether you would like to receive the cards yourself or have them sent to the gift recipient by typing a note in the gift message box.)

Resurgence & Ecologist

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Payment by continuous credit/debit card or direct debit is for on-going memberships and will renew automatically until you cancel. Renewal reminders are not sent out. These payment methods should not be used for a one year only membership.