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What's in a word

Issue 333 - July/August 2022

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What’s in a Word
Issue 333 • July/August 2022

In this issue of Resurgence & Ecologist we look at ‘language’. Mitzi Jonelle Tan challenges the use of language at global climate talks. Stephanie Boxall looks at the living-language-land project for a fresh approach to the environmental crisis and April Charlo explains how saving Indigenous languages can help save the planet.

In the Ecologist pages Yasmin Dahnoun reports on ancient agroforestry systems which are being revived in Central America. Whilst in Connected Life Esthela Calderón recalls finding connection while harvesting corn in Nicaragua and David George Haskell explores the ancient roots of hearing.
For our Feature Story, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema calls on the power of collective action for biodiversity. In Wisdom & Wellbeing Aylin Haas and Jonathan Drori share their memories and perspectives on the Lebanese Cedar, as part of our ‘In Company of Trees’ series. Within Art & Culture PL Henderson explores the history of women botanical illustrators.

Jan Goodey: It’s Time to Just Stop Oil
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema: No Plants, No Life!
April Charlo: We Are Earth, And Earth is Us
Jonathan Drori: The World in a Cedar
Satish Kumar: Idealism meets Pragmatism
Jini Reddy: Spirit Guide